

飞飞英语   2016-01-18

13、独立自主 Graduation is
the time that you officially leave the home nest and start life on your own.
Young people feel the need to work independently. In the professional world,
independence means you're ready to be fully responsible for every assigned task
at work. The boss counts on you. You can get help from colleagues, but it's
down to you to ensure theassignment is completed. Independence also means you
make your own choice orform your own opinion without being dependent on others.
It means making sense of the world based on your own observations and

14、熟能生巧(名人演讲) The main
drawbacks to the Internet are as follows: First, it has too much information
that has not been evaluated for accuracy. The huge false information becomes
more of a problem every day.Second, the Internet is transforming the way people
spend their time, which damages people’s ability to live normal lives. Those
who are addicted to the Internet tend to withdraw from the people. I feel it is
important for us to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle
the problems it has caused.

When it comes to choosing a major, interestshould come first. Only if we are
interested can we put our heart into our work.Interest motivates study. Choose
what interests you and you will not go wrong.The major you choose will probably
become your career your whole life.Therefore, we should think carefully about
it. Don't you want to have fun inyour future work?


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