

飞飞英语   2016-01-22

Waste separation and recycling should be a measure of urban civilization. Producers
can be recyclers, but the government should have policies that encourage them
to recycle the things they produce.People should be made aware of the benefits
of waste separation. But public education alone is not enough, it needs to be
backed by laws and regulations.


Being successful is hard. You wont necessarily succeed at everything the
first time you try. That
s okay. Some of the most successful people in the
world are the ones who
ve had the mostfailures. J.K. Rowlings -- who
wrote Harry Potter -- her first Harry Potterbook was rejected 12 times before
it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball
team. He lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his
career. But he once said, “I have failed over andover and over again in my life.
And that’s why I succeed.”

Students can freely select lecturers based on their interests and teachers capability.
Students would learn more efficiently with their chosen teachers. However, the
most disturbing problemremains that some students can choose lazy lecturers so
that they can pass the exams without much effort.


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